The Secret Door

Getting a drink at a Classic Rock Bar in Chicago. Reading in a Inuit Library in Nunavut. Staring at the paintings on the roof in a Cathedral in Europe. Watching monkeys bathe in Hot Springs on a snow covered mountain in Japan. Little moments in amazing places such as these are what make memories you want to remember. It’s not just being somewhere completely different, although it helps, its all the little things that tourists miss but travellers live on, that fuel our need for travel. Sometimes you can’t travel. Whether its work, money, illness, you want to go but you just can’t, I know that feeling. That’s why everybody needs a secret door. Full of magic, like the wardrobe to Narnia. Step through the door to see where it takes you, you might just end up Scuba Diving in Australia or exploring Diagon Alley in Britian (Not sure if Muggles are able to see this one, sorry.)
(Click on the door for an adventure!)
The Secret Door

The Secret Door is presented by Safestyle UK

Categories: Hi Ho! It's the Traveller's Life for Me! | Leave a comment

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